December in review

All right so I haven’t blogged lately, sorry. In my defense I have had all the usual holiday insanities, which were made more difficult by an ear infection and an upper respiratory infection(Evrett and Ben, respectively) and by a delightful combination of morning sickness, heartburn and exhaustion for me. Apparently all the wise women in my life neglected to share the exponential increase in fatigue when a pregnancy occurs when Mommy is already chasing 2 active boys. Guess I should have seen that coming huh? 🙂 Oh well, they’re amazing kids and the baby is healthy(thank God) so I’ve tried not to complain. . . .Not sure I’ve been too successful in that attempt but anyway.

As far as pregnancy updates go, I had an appointment just today and everything is great!! That is always good news, and as a bonus today I heard the heartbeat for the first time. Ross would have loved to listen too, but was being a rockstar Daddy/husband and took the boys somewhere else so they wouldn’t wreak their typical havoc in the doctor’s office. My doc is an awesome woman who encourages me at every visit and doesn’t mind my occasional bouts of ‘pregnancy paranoia’ when I call her with bizarre questions or issues that are probably not actually issues at all. So Yay for my Ob/Gyn and a healty little baby.

I should note this baby is the first one of ours to immediately cooperate with the little heartbeat detector thing. Evrett consistently moved as far away from the sensor as he could so that the doctor had to chase him all over my abdomen–later in the pregnancy you could actually see him twisting and turning in my belly! And even though Ben was never quite that blatant he was still not usually willing to submit himself to any examination without a little effort on the doctor’s part. Baby #3, however, didn’t mind at all and the second the device touched my skin we could hear the reassuring sound of his/her little heart beating away. Perhaps this is an indication our third child will be more naturally cooperative in later life? We can only hope!

We had Christmas in the frozen wonderland that is Minnesota with my Mom, brothers, sis-in-law and nephews. I must admit I felt lousy nearly the entire trip but it was really great to see everyone and we even managed to squeeze in some time with a few cousins on both sides of my enormous family. The boys always love seeing family and had tons of fun with their uncles and cousins and grandma.

The highlights of the trip, for me, were Benett singing his own precious renditions of ‘Jingle Bells’ ‘Deck the Halls’ and ‘Jesus Loves Me’ throughout the trip and one specific moment with Evrett. My family did our ‘big’ family celebration the Saturday before Christmas so Christmas morning was a quiet affair with just those of us actually staying at my Mom’s house. So when the boys woke up we wished each other Merry Christmas in our room before we went to do presents. Evrett came up on my bed and hugged me and said “Merry Christmas Mommy.”

“Merry Christmas buddy, I love you.” (Me)

“Mommy before I get down I need to say Merry Christmas to the baby in your tummy!” And then he did.

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww  It was so sweet I almost cried.

Hope that warms your heart like it did mine! Happy New Year all.

One Reply to “December in review”

  1. Maybe the 3rd baby will be a wonderfully compliant little girl??!!! Wouldn’t that throw you for a loop?? 🙂

    Evrett is SOO sweet!! Tell the boys hi for me…and we should hang out soon!

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